Previous Success
The Racial Equity in Medicine Elective (REME) came to fruition due to the sheer ingenuity of several UNC School of Medicine students who wanted to learn more about racial equity in their profession and also to gain skills for reducing (and, one day, eliminating) disparities in the healthcare profession.
A significant part of the REME course involves the creation of a final project that aims to improve our understanding of the ways that medical and healthcare systems contribute to racial inequality in health-related outcomes. Past projects range from original research on health disparities to the development of a model for recruiting a more diverse applicant pool for programs at UNC SOM, and much more.
Here are some examples of projects from previous years:
The Effects of Racism on the Professional Identity of Professional Minority Students
Social Determinants of Education
Reconsidering Race in Case-Based Question Stems
Racial Diversity of Kenan Rural Scholars
Addressing Race in Medical Education
Restructuring BTC Care Management
Dismantling Racism in Health Research Panel
Racism Review Board
Social Determinants of Kidney Health
Reshaping the Discussion on Racial Health Disparities
Identifying and Eliminating Racism in Biomedical Research at UNC
Integrating Health Equity in the SOM’s Office of Rural Initiatives
To learn more about the teaching and learning done in REME, check out the syllabus:
REME Syllabus Fall 2017